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  • A unique corporate identity is the face of your brand.
  • We will give your business a unique corporate identity.
  • Goosebumps. A style created by us sticks in the memory.
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Select a suitable package

Basic Package
  • Creation of the company's logo and corporate identity.
  • Development of basic brand elements such as color scheme, typography, and image styling.
  • Creation of a template for business documents such as business cards, letterheads, envelopes, etc.
  • Developing a basic company brand book.
  • Conducting a market and audience analysis.
AED 4.990 AED 7.000
Advanced Package
  • All services from the Basic Package.
  • Development of company's brandbook with detailed description of all brand elements and recommendations for usage.
  • Creation of promotional materials such as brochures, advertisements, posters, etc.
  • Creating and launching an advertising campaign in social networks.
  • Conducting a competitor analysis and creating a branding strategy that will help differentiate yourself from your competitors.
AED 9.990 AED 14.000
Professional Package
  • All services from the Advanced Package.
  • Creation of videos and animations that will help to draw attention to the company and promote the brand.
  • Development and launch of a campaign by e-mail and SMS mailing.
  • Creation and launch of advertising campaign in search engines.
  • Development of branding strategy for the year and its detailed description.
  • Analysis of macro- and micro-conversions and branding optimization to increase conversions.
AED 19.990 AED 27.000

What will the corporate identity of the company give you?

Customer recognition
You are a self-sufficient company. People are drawn to you because the closer you are, the brighter the flavor of success. You can repeat this as an affirmation and believe it will work, or you can create your own cool style.
How much do you want a non-targeted audience? Do you want it to go around so you don't waste your time? So why do you act like you think lions should come for the seeds and not pigeons? The right style will attract the right person and let you know right from the start who's not in your way.
Taking it to the next level
As long as you look like competitors whose CPs are from 2013, you won't be on the same level as those who are skimming the cream in your market. To get your company loved/respected/wanted, you need to invest in its packaging.
A customer/partner sees you. What will happen next? If you have a great style, he will remember you, and then he will come to you for cooperation. Maybe right away, maybe after three weeks. But you'll stick in his memory.
Leave the branding to us
  • 98% of companies pour money into recognition and don't get results
  • 99% of the time, the company doesn't realize that the name is the voice of the business that represents it
  • 100% of the time, every name option will reveal the potential and reflect the soul of the company
Ready to talk?
Great, click the button to the right and we'll give you free consultation on any issue.

5 steps in developing a corporate identity

Step 1: Gathering information
As soon as we start working on your project, we study everything possible: your experience, competitors, market situation today, consumer expectations for tomorrow...
You might think that we're overthinking, "after all, it's just a corporate identity"... But did you know that 63% of consumers make preliminary conclusions about future cooperation with a company based on the way it presents itself to customers?
Step 2: Analyze the data
A weapon is good in the hands of the one who knows how to use it. It's the same with the analysis: the information gathered in the first stage is of little value if you can't draw useful conclusions about consumer preferences, market trends, the mood of competitors and your own capabilities.
Step 3: Drawing up the Terms of Reference
"We see the goal, we go to it," we say as soon as we compose the terms of reference. In our opinion, this is the core of effective work. The previous two steps lead to a good TOR, and correctly drafted TOR leads to the development of a great corporate identity.
Step 4: Creating a masterpiece
Are creatives born? Maybe, because we have a talent for it - we think up everything in the best way: strict, stylish, driving, nice - as you want. The only thing we can not do is disgusting. Strictly follow the TK at this stage, adding sparkle, charm and creativity from yourself.
Step 5: Awe-inspiring coordination and transfer of designs
We are, of course, good, but your opinion is decisive. We add something, remove something, remake something so that you sincerely said, "Wow, this is what I wanted!"
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